因为 macOS 下的 Rime 输入法(鼠须管) 不是经常更新二进制,所以要体验性特性总是要手工进行编译安装。

之前的想要 Rime 实现按下 Esc 切换为英文时,看到 commit history 有提交的时候就尝试手工编译安装了一下。一直都在笔记里面,现在整理一下发出来。


安装 Xcode 12.2 及以上

首先从 App Store 中安装 Xcode 12.2 及以上版本。

如果只有 Xcode 10 只能编译 x86_64 的版本。

安装 cmake

官网 下载安装。

或者从Homebrew 安装:

brew install cmake

或者从 MacPorts 安装:

port install cmake

Checkout the code

获取 Squirrel 的源码:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/rime/squirrel.git

cd squirrel

通过如下方式获取 Rime 的插件(这一步如果不需要可以跳过,不过建议安装特定的插件以提高使用舒适度):

bash librime/install-plugins.sh rime/librime-sample # ...
bash librime/install-plugins.sh hchunhui/librime-lua
bash librime/install-plugins.sh lotem/librime-octagram

添加两个插件 librime-lua,librime-octagram

  • librime-lua 可以使用户可以编写 lua 脚本,编写函数来处理输出,比如在英文单词后面自动添加一个空格,或者当输入 date 或 「日期」的时候自动出现当前的日期。

  • librime-octagram 是八股文插件,通过提前训练的模型增强 RIME 的长句组词能力

Shortcut: get the latest librime release

You have the option to skip the following two sections - building Boost and librime, by downloading the latest librime binary from GitHub releases.

可以直接执行如下命令从 GitHub release 页面下载编译好的 Boost 和 librime,跳过下面两个步骤:

bash ./travis-install.sh

准备工作做好之后,就可以开始编译 Squirrel

Install Boost C++ libraries

选择下面两种方式中的一个安装 Boost 库。

Option: 下载源码编译安装:.


make -C librime xcode/thirdparty/boost

export BOOST_ROOT="$(pwd)/librime/thirdparty/src/boost_1_75_0"

Let’s set BUILD_UNIVERSAL to tell make that we are building Boost as universal macOS binaries. Skip this if building only for the native architecture.

After Boost source code is downloaded and a few compiled libraries are built, be sure to set shell variable BOOST_ROOT to its top level directory as above.

You may also set BOOST_ROOT to an existing Boost source tree before this step.

Option: 从 Homebrew 从安装:

brew install boost

Note: with this option, the built Squirrel.app is not portable because it links to locally installed libraries from Homebrew.

Learn more about the implications of this at https://github.com/rime/librime/blob/master/README-mac.md#install-boost-c-libraries

Option:MacPorts 安装:

port install boost -no_static

Build dependencies

Again, set BUILD_UNIVERSAL to tell make that we are building librime as universal macOS binaries. Skip this if building only for the native architecture.

Build librime, dependent third-party libraries and data files:


make deps

Build Squirrel

当所有的依赖都安装准备好之后, 开始编译 Squirrel.app:


To build only for the native architecture, pass variable ARCHS to make:

# for Mac computers with Apple Silicon
make ARCHS='arm64'

# for Intel-based Mac
make ARCHS='x86_64'

Install it on your Mac


# Squirrel as a Universal app
make install

# for Intel-based Mac only
make ARCHS='x86_64' install

之后就可以享受完美的 Rime 输入法体验了。


make ARCHS='x86_64' 的时候遇到错误:

CompileXIB /Users/einverne/Git/squirrel/zh-Hans.lproj/MainMenu.xib (in target 'Squirrel' from project 'Squirrel')
    cd /Users/einverne/Git/squirrel
    export XCODE_DEVELOPER_USR_PATH\=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/..
    /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool --errors --warnings --notices --module Squirrel --output-partial-info-plist /Users/einverne/Git/squirrel/build/Squirrel.build/Release/Squirrel.build/zh-Hans.lproj/MainMenu-PartialInfo.plist --auto-activate-custom-fonts --target-device mac --minimum-deployment-target 10.9 --output-format human-readable-text --compile /Users/einverne/Git/squirrel/build/Release/Squirrel.app/Contents/Resources/zh-Hans.lproj/MainMenu.nib /Users/einverne/Git/squirrel/zh-Hans.lproj/MainMenu.xib
Command CompileXIB failed with a nonzero exit code


The following build commands failed:
        CompileXIB /Users/einverne/Git/squirrel/Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib (in target 'Squirrel' from project 'Squirrel')
        CompileXIB /Users/einverne/Git/squirrel/zh-Hant.lproj/MainMenu.xib (in target 'Squirrel' from project 'Squirrel')
        CompileXIB /Users/einverne/Git/squirrel/zh-Hans.lproj/MainMenu.xib (in target 'Squirrel' from project 'Squirrel')
(3 failures)
make: *** [release] Error 65
  1. removing the old tools ($ sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools)
  2. install xcode command line tools again ($ xcode-select --install).
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/local/lib/Release'
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/einverne/Git/squirrel/librime/thirdparty/lib/Release'
ld: library not found for -licudata
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)